Note congelando e só volta quando desligo direto no botão

Iniciado por victorbaeta, 24 de Novembro de 2015, 16:22

tópico anterior - próximo tópico


Olá, pessoal.
Estou com o seguinte problema: comprei um note não faz nem dois meses e troquei o sistema para ubuntu logo após e algum tempo o note vem apresentando congelamentos (congela tudo, não move nada, não funciona nada, nem crtl+alt+f2).
Alguém poderia me ajudar a descobrir o que pode está acontecendo pois está me atrapalhando quando estou fazendo trabalhos da faculdade e ele congela e tenho que desligar, perdendo todo o trabalho.



em primeiro lugar, você deve passar um memtest completo ( leva uma noite inteira).

Entre nas opções avançadas do GRUB e escolha memtest.

Feito isto e descartados problemas de erros em pentes de memória, siga este roteiro:

a) use a maquina até travar. Reinicie e examine o log do sistema para ver o que travou e em que momento.

b) entre em terminal e invoque o comando top ( digite top na linha de comandos). Deixe o top aberto num canto da tela para ver o comportamento dos aplicativos e memoria até obter o travamento. Examine o top.

c) Crie um novo usuario. Utilize a maquina neste novo usuario para verificar se o erro se repete. ( algum pacote mal comportado instalado no seu usuario e não instalado no novo perfil podem esclarecer o travamento.

d) abra o GRUB e entre em modo seguro para ver se trava.

Para corrigir este sintoma, é complexo, pois vários fatores podem contribuir para isto. Memorias com problemas, hd com problemas, programas com problemas, interface grafica com problemas.

É o caso de se isolar um a um os possiveis causadores e tentar isolar o responsável para depois se tentar corrigir.


Ok. Vou fazer tudo isso e respondo aqui logo mais. Só não sei o momento certo em que vou responder porque os congelamentos as vezes demoram  a acontecer. Obrigado mais uma vez, Tota.


Voltando aqui com a verificação do log após travamento. Segue a cópia do momento após reiniciar o note:

shift@shift-Aspire-ES1-411:~$ tail -100 /var/log/syslog
Dec  6 02:05:49 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 dbus[698]: [system] Activating service name='org.freedesktop.ColorManager' (using servicehelper)
Dec  6 02:05:49 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 anacron[1433]: Anacron 2.3 started on 2015-12-06
Dec  6 02:05:49 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 anacron[1433]: Normal exit (0 jobs run)
Dec  6 02:05:49 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Using config file /etc/colord.conf
Dec  6 02:05:49 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Using mapping database file /var/lib/colord/mapping.db
Dec  6 02:05:49 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Using device database file /var/lib/colord/storage.db
Dec  6 02:05:49 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: loaded plugin
Dec  6 02:05:49 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/colord-plugins/ not loaded: plugin refused to load
Dec  6 02:05:49 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: loaded plugin
Dec  6 02:05:49 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Daemon ready for requests
Dec  6 02:05:49 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 dbus[698]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.ColorManager'
Dec  6 02:05:49 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Profile added: icc-df7c0067b1eb9bcc9fc9b33bc3a797eb
Dec  6 02:05:49 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Profile added: icc-6a245ab2d8892e2e56232af93cd48b81
Dec  6 02:05:49 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Profile added: icc-ea421e3a65cfa796e2732ce36086e327
Dec  6 02:05:49 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Profile added: icc-0720e7cdbc792b77c0740c39f325ef9e
Dec  6 02:05:49 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Profile added: icc-654b99c87e67edb1c1cfb0dcb7fa9d04
Dec  6 02:05:49 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Profile added: icc-57f0d896250f6f98f77ca1b0d19019c0
Dec  6 02:05:49 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Profile added: icc-c3e6382fa9b2d31b01b736f6f97aac3a
Dec  6 02:05:49 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Profile added: icc-353a6bcabda00f04b6988f89126ce6f5
Dec  6 02:05:49 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Profile added: icc-526fbc9bdf0d7156c553998d47a3b5fc
Dec  6 02:05:49 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Profile added: icc-c227f46f246694ba9971f270cb61a0c1
Dec  6 02:05:49 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Profile added: icc-fb0ac62618f016ed9b92ce239258efa8
Dec  6 02:05:49 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Profile added: icc-3bd2261b1125a0fd9ebf827a2d1bed84
Dec  6 02:05:49 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Profile added: icc-f64a1f19ce07290b35a752b00217b684
Dec  6 02:05:49 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Profile added: icc-a10be98be58460669fcdc6946939b7cf
Dec  6 02:05:49 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Profile added: icc-6ad6d63767ce0393245528ada92f1cb2
Dec  6 02:05:49 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Profile added: icc-a1d13bd5309e0f06ceda6f0d75367823
Dec  6 02:05:50 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Profile added: icc-523e494bc2f53c53d51d0758b07f4879
Dec  6 02:05:50 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Profile added: icc-0383c34650771ce95ef93fe916867725
Dec  6 02:05:50 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Profile added: icc-72f5b1cba915b68ea75cc843e270df5a
Dec  6 02:05:50 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Profile added: icc-d4a7a2bd8ddaacf10e275e3db31d72b8
Dec  6 02:05:50 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Profile added: icc-b0701c2ccf059287d0b067464df8bda9
Dec  6 02:05:50 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Profile added: icc-d6490883a866e4059370e1de1d840283
Dec  6 02:05:50 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Profile added: icc-3a34aa6c3d1fb1ef63ff41e04ee00979
Dec  6 02:05:50 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Profile added: icc-2f1f11ecd613fe5551420fcaf5b11ff8
Dec  6 02:05:50 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Device added: xrandr-Chimei Innolux Corporation
Dec  6 02:05:50 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Automatic metadata add icc-3b16317558367f6a1a7182514dfc8697 to xrandr-Chimei Innolux Corporation
Dec  6 02:05:50 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Profile added: icc-3b16317558367f6a1a7182514dfc8697
Dec  6 02:05:50 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 NetworkManager[789]: <info> Policy set 'GVT-9EA9' (wlan0) as default for IPv6 routing and DNS.
Dec  6 02:05:51 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: device removed: xrandr-Chimei Innolux Corporation
Dec  6 02:05:51 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Profile removed: icc-3b16317558367f6a1a7182514dfc8697
Dec  6 02:05:52 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 NetworkManager[789]: <info> WiFi hardware radio set enabled
Dec  6 02:05:52 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 rtkit-daemon[1347]: Successfully made thread 1712 of process 1712 (n/a) owned by '1000' high priority at nice level -11.
Dec  6 02:05:52 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 rtkit-daemon[1347]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 2 users.
Dec  6 02:05:53 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 rtkit-daemon[1347]: Successfully made thread 1714 of process 1712 (n/a) owned by '1000' RT at priority 5.
Dec  6 02:05:53 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 rtkit-daemon[1347]: Supervising 5 threads of 2 processes of 2 users.
Dec  6 02:05:53 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 rtkit-daemon[1347]: Successfully made thread 1715 of process 1712 (n/a) owned by '1000' RT at priority 5.
Dec  6 02:05:53 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 rtkit-daemon[1347]: Supervising 6 threads of 2 processes of 2 users.
Dec  6 02:05:53 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 dbus[698]: [system] Activating service name='org.freedesktop.locale1' (using servicehelper)
Dec  6 02:05:53 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 dbus[698]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.locale1'
Dec  6 02:05:53 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Device added: xrandr-Chimei Innolux Corporation
Dec  6 02:05:53 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Automatic metadata add icc-62d6270515316964b8e2721ea93361d8 to xrandr-Chimei Innolux Corporation
Dec  6 02:05:53 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 colord: Profile added: icc-62d6270515316964b8e2721ea93361d8
Dec  6 02:05:46 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 dhclient: DHCPREQUEST of on wlan0 to port 67 (xid=0x3da941bb)
Dec  6 02:05:54 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 3 (xid=0x5de2bb51)
Dec  6 02:05:54 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 dbus[698]: [system] Activating service name='org.freedesktop.UDisks2' (using servicehelper)
Dec  6 02:05:54 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 udisksd[1784]: udisks daemon version 2.1.3 starting
Dec  6 02:05:55 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 dbus[698]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.UDisks2'
Dec  6 02:05:55 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 udisksd[1784]: Acquired the name org.freedesktop.UDisks2 on the system message bus
Dec  6 02:05:57 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 4 (xid=0x5de2bb51)
Dec  6 02:06:01 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 10 (xid=0x5de2bb51)
Dec  6 02:06:05 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 dhclient: DHCPREQUEST of on wlan0 to port 67 (xid=0x51bbe25d)
Dec  6 02:06:05 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 dhclient: DHCPOFFER of from
Dec  6 02:06:05 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 wpa_supplicant[884]: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
Dec  6 02:06:07 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 dhclient: DHCPACK of from
Dec  6 02:06:07 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 dhclient: bound to -- renewal in 32609 seconds.
Dec  6 02:06:07 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 NetworkManager[789]: <info> (wlan0): DHCPv4 state changed preinit -> bound
Dec  6 02:06:07 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 NetworkManager[789]: <info>   address
Dec  6 02:06:07 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 NetworkManager[789]: <info>   prefix 24 (
Dec  6 02:06:07 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 NetworkManager[789]: <info>   gateway
Dec  6 02:06:07 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 NetworkManager[789]: <info>   nameserver ''
Dec  6 02:06:07 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 NetworkManager[789]: <info>   domain name ''
Dec  6 02:06:07 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 NetworkManager[789]: <info> Activation (wlan0) Stage 5 of 5 (IPv4 Configure Commit) scheduled...
Dec  6 02:06:07 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 NetworkManager[789]: <info> Activation (wlan0) Stage 5 of 5 (IPv4 Commit) started...
Dec  6 02:06:07 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 avahi-daemon[759]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface wlan0.IPv4 with address
Dec  6 02:06:07 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 avahi-daemon[759]: New relevant interface wlan0.IPv4 for mDNS.
Dec  6 02:06:07 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 avahi-daemon[759]: Registering new address record for on wlan0.IPv4.
Dec  6 02:06:08 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 NetworkManager[789]: <info> Policy set 'GVT-9EA9' (wlan0) as default for IPv4 routing and DNS.
Dec  6 02:06:08 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 NetworkManager[789]: <info> DNS: starting dnsmasq...
Dec  6 02:06:08 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 NetworkManager[789]: <warn> dnsmasq not available on the bus, can't update servers.
Dec  6 02:06:08 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 NetworkManager[789]: <error> [1449378368.339934] [nm-dns-dnsmasq.c:396] update(): dnsmasq owner not found on bus: Could not get owner of name 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.dnsmasq': no such name
Dec  6 02:06:08 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 NetworkManager[789]: <warn> DNS: plugin dnsmasq update failed
Dec  6 02:06:08 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 NetworkManager[789]: <info> Writing DNS information to /sbin/resolvconf
Dec  6 02:06:08 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 dnsmasq[2062]: iniciado, versão 2.68 cache desabilitado
Dec  6 02:06:08 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 dnsmasq[2062]: opções de tempo de compilação: IPv6 GNU-getopt DBus i18n IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP conntrack ipset auth
Dec  6 02:06:08 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 dnsmasq[2062]: suporte a DBus habilitado: conectado ao barramento do sistema
Dec  6 02:06:08 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 dnsmasq[2062]: aviso: não há servidores upstream configurados
Dec  6 02:06:10 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 kernel: [   49.490842] audit_printk_skb: 123 callbacks suppressed
Dec  6 02:06:10 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 kernel: [   49.490847] audit: type=1400 audit(1449378370.105:74): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_replace" profile="unconfined" name="/usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-pdf" pid=2131 comm="apparmor_parser"
Dec  6 02:06:10 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 kernel: [   49.490861] audit: type=1400 audit(1449378370.105:75): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_replace" profile="unconfined" name="/usr/sbin/cupsd" pid=2131 comm="apparmor_parser"
Dec  6 02:06:10 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 kernel: [   49.491720] audit: type=1400 audit(1449378370.109:76): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_replace" profile="unconfined" name="/usr/sbin/cupsd" pid=2131 comm="apparmor_parser"
Dec  6 02:06:16 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 whoopsie[1100]: online
Dec  6 02:06:16 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 NetworkManager[789]: <info> Activation (wlan0) Stage 5 of 5 (IPv4 Commit) complete.
Dec  6 02:06:16 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 NetworkManager[789]: <warn> dnsmasq appeared on DBus: :1.89
Dec  6 02:06:16 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 NetworkManager[789]: <info> Writing DNS information to /sbin/resolvconf
Dec  6 02:06:16 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 dnsmasq[2062]: configurando servidores upstream do DBus
Dec  6 02:06:16 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 dnsmasq[2062]: usando nome de servidor
Dec  6 02:11:51 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 dbus[698]: [system] Activating service name='org.freedesktop.hostname1' (using servicehelper)
Dec  6 02:11:51 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 kernel: [  390.737707] systemd-hostnamed[2446]: Warning: nss-myhostname is not installed. Changing the local hostname might make it unresolveable. Please install nss-myhostname!
Dec  6 02:11:51 shift-Aspire-ES1-411 dbus[698]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.hostname1'