Alguém pode me ajudar ?
Já instalei o gDesklets usando o repositório do Ubuntu, mas o problema continua. Segue o que esta acontecendo desde quando executo o programa:
andre@andre-desktop:~$ gdesklets check
Checking requirements:
- sys ... found
- xml.parsers.expat ... found
- xml.sax ... found
- gtk ... missing
Version check failed.
GTK python bindings (pygtk2) version >= 2.4.0 and GTK+ version >= 2.4.0 are required.
Please make sure that the required software is installed.
Also try to avoid having multiple versions of a library/binding on your system.
gDesklets won't work if you don't have all necessary dependencies installed
on your system.
andre@andre-desktop:~$ gdesklets start
Iniciando gdesklets-daemon...
Conectando ao servidor [### ]You need a recent version of PyGTK to run this program.
Cannot establish connection to daemon: timeout!
The log file might help you solving the problem.
andre@andre-desktop:~$ sudo dpkg -l | grep python2.4-gtk2
ii python2.4-gtk2 2.8.6-0ubuntu1 Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set
o PyGTK está instalado mas ele não encontra