amule fecha em pouco tempo (sem solução)

Iniciado por willchenko, 10 de Julho de 2010, 18:02

tópico anterior - próximo tópico


Sou novo no Ubuntu.

Decidi fugir das garras da microsft, porém, tem o seu preço, mas vou continuar...

Estou com um problema no amule, ele fecha sozinho depois de um certo tempo, li alguns outros tópicos que pediu para que fosse aberto no terminal com amule >>LOG, foi o que fiz, para ver qual mensagem aparecia e é essa:

** (amule:7176): CRITICAL **: murrine_style_draw_box_gap: assertion `height >= -1' failed

** (amule:7176): CRITICAL **: murrine_style_draw_box_gap: assertion `height >= -1' failed

** (amule:7176): CRITICAL **: murrine_style_draw_box_gap: assertion `height >= -1' failed

** (amule:7176): CRITICAL **: murrine_style_draw_box_gap: assertion `height >= -1' failed

** (amule:7176): CRITICAL **: murrine_style_draw_box_gap: assertion `height >= -1' failed

** (amule:7176): CRITICAL **: murrine_style_draw_box_gap: assertion `height >= -1' failed

** (amule:7176): CRITICAL **: murrine_style_draw_box_gap: assertion `height >= -1' failed

O que significa?




OK wilichenko,

Se voce observar aqui...>, alguém postou algo idêntico ao teu problema, porém relacionado ao emacs, e ainda alguém relacionou isso com o uso de temas específicos

I have just discovered that the error occurs only when using Ambiance and Radiance theme, if I switch to Human for example, I don't have the errors.
I did not do any customization of the theme

Não saberia como resolver o problema, mas como paleativo, tente perceber se alterando o seu tema, voce consegue usar o amule, pelo ao menos até alguém mais cascudo te orientar.

Boa sorte!!


Valeu rweu por responder!!

Vou tentar e respondo no que deu!! Mas para acrescentar apareceu mais isso:

** (amule:2163): CRITICAL **: murrine_style_draw_box_gap: assertion `height >= -1' failed

** (amule:2163): CRITICAL **: murrine_style_draw_box_gap: assertion `height >= -1' failed

** (amule:2163): CRITICAL **: murrine_style_draw_box_gap: assertion `height >= -1' failed

A fatal error has occurred and aMule has crashed.
Please assist us in fixing this problem by posting the backtrace below in our
'aMule Crashes' forum and include as much information as possible regarding the
circumstances of this crash. The forum is located here:
If possible, please try to generate a real backtrace of this crash:

----------------------------=| BACKTRACE FOLLOWS: |=----------------------------
Current version is: aMule 2.2.6 using wxGTK2 v2.8.10
Running on: Linux 2.6.32-23-generic i686

** (amule:2163): CRITICAL **: murrine_style_draw_box_gap: assertion `height >= -1' failed
[2] ?? in amule[0x8084a89]
[3] wxFatalSignalHandler in /usr/lib/[0xa20ba6]
[4] ?? in [0xcc7400]
[5] ?? in /usr/lib/[0xe6c424]
[6] ?? in /usr/lib/[0x86c32c]
[7] ?? in /lib/[0x3f15efb]
[8] g_main_context_dispatch in /lib/[0x3ed15e5]
[9] ?? in /lib/[0x3ed52d8]
[10] g_main_loop_run in /lib/[0x3ed5817]
[11] gtk_main in /usr/lib/[0x7d733c9]
[12] wxEventLoop::Run() in /usr/lib/[0xe6ac78]
[13] wxAppBase::MainLoop() in /usr/lib/[0xefde3e]
[14] wxAppBase::OnRun() in /usr/lib/[0xefda31]
[15] wxEntry(int&, wchar_t**) in /usr/lib/[0x9b77aa]
[16] wxEntry(int&, char**) in /usr/lib/[0x9b7987]
[17] ?? in amule[0x815a5db]
[18] __libc_start_main in /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0x1f75bd6]
[19] ?? in amule[0x8083a31]



Coloque (instale) o tema < murrine >

e veja o que acontece.



Lembrando que no lugar do amule eu recomendo o Transmission, são programas diferentes, protocolos diferentes, meios diferentes para as mesmas finalidades, basta saber usar.  :D
Lucas Saliés Brum
Ubuntu User #27150


Valeu pela ajuda.

Baixei alguns temas no site do gnome ( e o terminal me apresentou isto:

All PartFiles Loaded.
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/048.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/045.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/052.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/035.part.met to shares

Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/046.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/047.part.met to shares
Response: 200 (Error: 0)
Download size: 6
HTTP download thread ended

Não deu mais erro nem fechou!!!!
Valew pelas dicas!!!


Meus caros...

Me precipitei na minha conclusão... >:(

Começou a fechar sozinho de novo, mesmo mudando os temas abri o terminal e apareceu...

/home/willchenko/.themes/marble-look/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:49: Clearlooks configuration option "sunkenmenu" is not supported and will be ignored.

A fatal error has occurred and aMule has crashed.
Please assist us in fixing this problem by posting the backtrace below in our
'aMule Crashes' forum and include as much information as possible regarding the
circumstances of this crash. The forum is located here:
If possible, please try to generate a real backtrace of this crash:

----------------------------=| BACKTRACE FOLLOWS: |=----------------------------
Current version is: aMule 2.2.6 using wxGTK2 v2.8.10
Running on: Linux 2.6.32-24-generic i686

[2] ?? in amule[0x8084a89]
[3] wxFatalSignalHandler in /usr/lib/[0xaffba6]
[4] ?? in [0x9bd400]
[5] ?? in /usr/lib/[0x75c424]
[6] ?? in /usr/lib/[0xcb432c]
[7] ?? in /lib/[0x3dd4efb]
[8] g_main_context_dispatch in /lib/[0x3d905e5]
[9] ?? in /lib/[0x3d942d8]
[10] g_main_loop_run in /lib/[0x3d94817]
[11] gtk_main in /usr/lib/[0x7ab43c9]
[12] wxEventLoop::Run() in /usr/lib/[0x75ac78]
[13] wxAppBase::MainLoop() in /usr/lib/[0x7ede3e]
[14] wxAppBase::OnRun() in /usr/lib/[0x7eda31]
[15] wxEntry(int&, wchar_t**) in /usr/lib/[0xa967aa]
[16] wxEntry(int&, char**) in /usr/lib/[0xa96987]
[17] ?? in amule[0x815a5db]
[18] __libc_start_main in /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0xeecbd6]
[19] ?? in amule[0x8083a31]


O que eu faço agora!!!???? :-\


Amigo esquece a Mula como disse alguns aqui e baixa em torrents que é muito melhor!

Leonardo C

Amigo eu tentaria 2 coisas.

1 - Reinstalar o amule
2 - Dar uma olhada no site do desenvolvedor e ver se tem uma versão mais recente.



Valeu a dica,mas
tentei desinstalar e não resolveu... ???


Vejam o que aparece... sou leigo nessas coisas...

/home/willchenko/.themes/Clearlooks-DarkOrange/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:58: Clearlooks configuration option "sunkenmenu" is not supported and will be ignored.
/home/willchenko/.themes/Clearlooks-DarkOrange/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:59: Clearlooks configuration option "menuitemstyle" is not supported and will be ignored.
/home/willchenko/.themes/Clearlooks-DarkOrange/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:60: Clearlooks configuration option "listviewitemstyle" is not supported and will be ignored.
/home/willchenko/.themes/Clearlooks-DarkOrange/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:61: Clearlooks configuration option "progressbarstyle" is not supported and will be ignored.
Initialising aMule 2.2.6 using wxGTK2 v2.8.10
Checking if there is an instance already running...
No other instances are running.
ListenSocket: Ok.
HTTP download thread started
Loading temp files from /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp.
Loading PartFile 54 of 54
All PartFiles Loaded.
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/101.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/070.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/066.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/052.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/048.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/038.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/036.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/035.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/028.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/027.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/023.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/022.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/021.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/003.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/005.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/006.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/009.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/013.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/014.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/019.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/018.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/015.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/029.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/073.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/072.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/071.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/017.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/068.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/067.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/024.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/065.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/063.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/060.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/058.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/055.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/054.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/007.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/008.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/046.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/044.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/043.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/042.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/040.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/025.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/037.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/026.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/016.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/033.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/032.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/031.part.met to shares
Adding file /home/willchenko/.aMule/Temp/030.part.met to shares
Response: 200 (Error: 0)
Download size: 6
HTTP download thread ended

Leonardo C

Esse arquivo "part.met" acho que é o arquivo de servidores usado pelo emule. Tente bscar no google baixer e trocar o arquivo.


Segue mais do terminal...

A fatal error has occurred and aMule has crashed.
Please assist us in fixing this problem by posting the backtrace below in our
'aMule Crashes' forum and include as much information as possible regarding the
circumstances of this crash. The forum is located here:
If possible, please try to generate a real backtrace of this crash:

----------------------------=| BACKTRACE FOLLOWS: |=----------------------------
Current version is: aMule 2.2.6 using wxGTK2 v2.8.10
Running on: Linux 2.6.32-24-generic i686

[2] ?? in amule[0x8084a89]
[3] wxFatalSignalHandler in /usr/lib/[0x37cba6]
[4] ?? in [0x629400]
[5] ?? in /usr/lib/[0xe3b424]
[6] ?? in /usr/lib/[0x59532c]
[7] ?? in /lib/[0x89d5efb]
[8] g_main_context_dispatch in /lib/[0x89915e5]
[9] ?? in /lib/[0x89952d8]
[10] g_main_loop_run in /lib/[0x8995817]
[11] gtk_main in /usr/lib/[0x57873c9]
[12] wxEventLoop::Run() in /usr/lib/[0xe39c78]
[13] wxAppBase::MainLoop() in /usr/lib/[0xecce3e]
[14] wxAppBase::OnRun() in /usr/lib/[0xecca31]
[15] wxEntry(int&, wchar_t**) in /usr/lib/[0x3137aa]
[16] wxEntry(int&, char**) in /usr/lib/[0x313987]
[17] ?? in amule[0x815a5db]
[18] __libc_start_main in /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0x65abd6]
[19] ?? in amule[0x8083a31]

Glauco Hass

O problema pelo jeito ainda está relacionado ao tema que você está usando ou alguma modificação que você fez nele. Nas mensagens de erro ele faz referência a algumas propriedades do tema Clearlooks.


aqui o amule, tá estável
vou fazer coro c/ os colegas

1. desintale o amule
sudo apt-get remove --purge nome-do-programa
depois vá na /home, procure por arquivos .amule e apague todos

2. tente no caso aí usar os temas que vem por padrão no ubuntu

outra recomendação, em canais de software, deixe configurado p/ servidor internacional
ai baixe o amule

obs: aqui uso 32bits e temas padrões do ubuntu
Linux User #440843 | Ubuntu User #11469