Descompactando Arquivos no Linux

Iniciado por TIGOS, 28 de Maio de 2006, 21:21

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tar -zxvf filename.tar.gz
(=tape archiver) Untar a tarred and compressed tarball (*.tar.gz or *.tgz) that you downloaded from the Internet.

tar -xvf filename.tar
Untar a tarred but uncompressed tarball (*.tar).

gunzip filename.gz
Decompress a zipped file (*.gz" or *.z). Use gzip (also zip or compress) if you wanted to compress files to this file format.

bunzip2 filename.bz2
(=big unzip) Decompress a file (*.bz2) zipped with bzip2 compression utility. Used for big files.

Decompress a file (*.zip) zipped with a compression utility compatible with PKZIP for DOS.

unarj e filename.arj
Extract the content of an *.arj archive.

uudecode -o outputfile filename
Decode a file encoded with uuencode.  uu-encoded files are typically used for transfer of non-text files in e-mail (uuencode transforms any file into an ASCII file).

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faltou o Seven Zip (p7zip)
download em:

7za x filename.7z
 a: Add files to archive
 d: Delete files from archive
 e: Extract files from archive (without using directory names)
 l: List contents of archive
 t: Test integrity of archive
 u: Update files to archive
 x: eXtract files with full paths


Valeu pela contribuição :D

É que não uso esse formato, uso mais o RAR no Windows, mas tenho que me acostumar com tar.gz agora :D
