Programa Echolink no Wine

Iniciado por Linkar, 14 de Março de 2009, 23:25

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Quero rodar um programa chamado Echolink no Wine.
Esse programa pede para abrir uma excessão no firewall do windows. Como tenho o firestarter rodando não sei como adicionar essa execesão.
Outra coisa que pede é para liberar as portas UDP 5198 e 5199 para o programa ter acesso á Internet. Como habilitar essas portas???

Esta é a resposta do teste das portas:
Firewall Test Results: FAIL

The test successfully connected to the EchoLink server on TCP port 5200.  This means that your system's TCP configuration is correct for use with EchoLink.

The tester was unable to communicate over UDP.  If you have Internet security software installed, be sure it is configured to allow EchoLink to access the Internet.  If you have a router or firewall, be sure it is not blocking UDP ports.

This version of Windows includes Windows Firewall.  If Windows Firewall is enabled (which is the default), an exception must be added to un-block EchoLink and allow it to access the Internet.  (If you chose the Unblock option when you first started EchoLink, this exception has probably already been added.)

For more information, click the Help button above, or see the Firewall Solutions page on the EchoLink Web site.

Grato pela ajuda.