Canonical ataca Mint? - Clement Lefevre não acredita!

Iniciado por HD883, 18 de Agosto de 2008, 12:14

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Canonical ataca o site do Mint?
Ninguém sabe ao certo o que se passou, mas o site do Linux Mint foi hackeado.
Alguns apontaram o dedo à Canonical, dizendo que foi ela a causadora por ciume.
Mas o desenvolvedor do Linux Mint veio afirmar que não acredita nisso:

Someone on our forums suspected Canonical to be behind the attack on our server and I see someone here already mentioned that this could have to do with jealousy or the popularity of our distribution, so before any more conspiracy theories arise I just wanted to say that we were not specifically targeted by this attack. Many other servers were hit by it. We also believe the attack was automated by a script and scanned as many domains as possible. To be honest I don't even think it has anything to do with Linux. Let's not point fingers at each others, this has nothing to do with Canonical, nothing to do with Microsoft or any other editor.. we've just been hit because we were on a long list of domain names and some of our PHP scripts happened to be vulnerable. If we were to point fingers we'd point them at ourselves.
