erro ao abrir programas de edição de vídeo

Iniciado por danilovieira, 10 de Outubro de 2014, 21:07

tópico anterior - próximo tópico


Boa noite pessoal, ontem fiz a bobeira de instalar os drives e o software de minha placa de vídeo oficiais, mas ela é uma ATI HD4850 e deu alguns bugs, descobri q ela usa somente o drive comunitario, pois a randeon nao fabrica mais o drive oficial, mas consegui desinstalar e voltar o drive open source e o pc voltou a funcionar, mas hj não consegui abrir nenhum dos editores de vídeo q tenho: Flowblade, kdenlive e openshot, segue o erro:

O Kdenlive so da esse erro:
Citardanilo@Ubuntu:~$ sudo kdenlive
kdenlive: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `MLT_0.9.2' not found (required by /usr/lib/

O openshot:
Citardanilo@Ubuntu:~$ sudo openshot

------------------------- ERROR 1 ------------------------------
Failed to import 'from openshot import main'
Error Message: cannot import name main
  OpenShot (version 1.4.3)
Process no longer exists: 11034.  Creating new pid lock file.
*** ERROR: MLT Python bindings failed to import ***
*** ERROR: MLT Python bindings failed to import ***
*** ERROR: MLT Python bindings failed to import ***
Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 810, in __bootstrap_inner
 File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/openshot/classes/", line 240, in run
NameError: global name 'mlt' is not defined

*** ERROR: MLT Python bindings failed to import ***

------------------------- ERROR 2 ------------------------------
Failed to import 'from openshot.openshot import main'
Error Message: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `MLT_0.9.2' not found (required by /usr/lib/

OpenShot has failed to import some of the Python files or libraries
required for our application to run.  Here are some trouble shooting

Tip 1) Check if MLT can be successfully imported in Python.  Run the
following commands, and see if any errors are displayed.  If you get
an error, you need to investigate the correct way to install MLT.
NOTE:  Do not type the $ or >> characters in the examples below.

      $ python
      >> import mlt
      >> mlt.Factory().init()

Tip 2) If MLT is working from the first example, then the next tip is
to look at the above error messages very closely, and google for more
help.  It's likely the problem is already reported, and maybe there is
a simple work-around.  Also, you can search for bugs or report a new
bug at  Good luck!

Alguem sabe como posso resolver isso? Obrigado a todos!


Quando vc removeu os drivers,foi junto algumas bibliotecas,deu uma bela bagunçada,como não nos passou mais detalhes de como instalou e desinstalou,tente remover os programas e instalar novamente pelo synaptic.
| Linux User # 480186 | Debian Wheezy | Kernel 3.2.4 rt & pf2 |


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