Olá pessoal,
Fui no synaptic e filtrei por "hplip" e desinstalei tudo no modo "marcar para desinstalação completa". Nesse caso era o Hplip 3.10.2.
Então baixei aversão mais nova que é o Hplip 3.11.5, mas não acerto na instalação da HP LaserJet Professional M1212nf MFP, os procedimentos foram os seguintes:
carlos@carlos:~$ su
root@carlos:/home/carlos# cd /home/Downloads
root@carlos:/home/Downloads# ls
Dusk hplip-3.11.5 hplip-3.11.5.run
Torrents ValorExtenso.ods
root@carlos:/home/Downloads# sh hplip-3.11.5.run
Creating directory hplip-3.11.5
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing HPLIP 3.11.5 Self Extracting Archive...
warning: hplip-install should not be run as root.HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.11.5)
HPLIP Installer ver. 5.1Copyright (c) 2001-9 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.
Installer log saved in:
error: You are running the installer as root. It is highly recommended that you run the installer as
error: a regular (non-root) user. Do you still wish to continue?Continue with installation (y=yes, n=no*, q=quit) ? y
note: Defaults for each question are maked with a '*'. Press <enter> to accept the default.INSTALLATION MODE-----------------
Automatic mode will install the full HPLIP solution with the most common options.
Custom mode allows you to choose installation options to fit specific requirements.
Please choose the installation mode (a=automatic*, c=custom, q=quit) : a
Initializing. Please wait...
This installer will install HPLIP version 3.11.5 on your computer.
Please close any running package management systems now (YaST, Adept, Synaptic, Up2date, etc).
DISTRO/OS CONFIRMATION----------------------
Distro appears to be Ubuntu 10.04.
Is "Ubuntu 10.04" your correct distro/OS and version (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ? y
INSTALLATION NOTES------------------
Enable the universe/multiverse repositories. Also be sure you are using the Ubuntu "Main" Repositories. See:
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu for more information. Disable the CD-ROM/DVD source if you do not have the Ubuntu installation media inserted in the drive. During the install process you will be added to the lp group, please quit the installer before the setup stage, log out, log back in, and run hp-setup to complete the install.
Please read the installation notes. Press <enter> to continue or 'q' to quit: RUNNING PRE-INSTALL COMMANDS----------------------------
INSTALL MISSING REQUIRED DEPENDENCIES-------------------------------------
warning: There are 1 missing REQUIRED dependencies.note: Installation of dependencies requires an active internet connection.warning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: libtool (libtool - Library building support services)INSTALL MISSING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCIES-------------------------------------
warning: There are 1 missing OPTIONAL dependencies.note: Installation of dependencies requires an active internet connection.warning: Missing REQUIRED dependency for option 'scan': sane-devel (SANE - Scanning library development files) CHECKING FOR NETWORK CONNECTION-------------------------------
Network connection present.
RUNNING PRE-PACKAGE COMMANDS----------------------------
sudo dpkg --configure -a (Pre-depend step 1)
sudo apt-get install --yes --force-yes -f (Pre-depend step 2)
sudo apt-get update (Pre-depend step 3)
DEPENDENCY AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION----------------------------------
Running 'sudo apt-get install --assume-yes libtool'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Command failed. Re-try #1...Running 'sudo apt-get install --assume-yes libtool'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Command failed. Re-try #2...Running 'sudo apt-get install --assume-yes libtool'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Command failed. Re-try #3...Running 'sudo apt-get install --assume-yes libtool'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Package install command failed with error code 100Would you like to retry installing the missing package(s) (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ? y
Running 'sudo apt-get install --assume-yes libtool'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Package install command failed with error code 100Would you like to retry installing the missing package(s) (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ? y
Running 'sudo apt-get install --assume-yes libtool'
error: Package install command failed with error code 100
Would you like to retry installing the missing package(s) (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ? n
warning: Some HPLIP functionality might not function due to missing package(s).Running 'sudo apt-get install --assume-yes libsane-dev'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Command failed. Re-try #1...Running 'sudo apt-get install --assume-yes libsane-dev'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Command failed. Re-try #2...Running 'sudo apt-get install --assume-yes libsane-dev'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Command failed. Re-try #3...Running 'sudo apt-get install --assume-yes libsane-dev'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Package install command failed with error code 100Would you like to retry installing the missing package(s) (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ? y
Running 'sudo apt-get install --assume-yes libsane-dev'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Package install command failed with error code 100Would you like to retry installing the missing package(s) (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ? q
root@carlos:/home/Downloads# exit
Então pessoal é isso aí.
Espero a ajuda de todos.