Autor Tópico: Mulheres que usam Ubuntu  (Lida 8230 vezes)

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Mulheres que usam Ubuntu
« Online: 06 de Dezembro de 2006, 16:41 »
Se vc, mulher, que utiliza Linux Ubuntu, leia abaixo.
Resposta -> no tópico original do forum ubuntu, link no final do texto.

Women in Brazil

I'm brazilian and I've been a bit worried about the huge lack of women participation in the Ubuntu Brazilian community.

In Rosetta, we have a single woman among 77 other male translators. Thru IRC, mailing-lists, forums and etc woman participation is almost inexistant.

I would like to know if Ubuntu is beeing used by a considerable amount of women and they are not confortable in exposing their gender in public places, such foruns in portuguese or they are not using Ubuntu at all.

It is important for me to measure somehow how many women are using Ubuntu in Brazil to analyze the effect of some campaign and activities to stimulate women participation in Ubuntu Brazil. For instance, people who order CDs from ShipIt usually distribute their CDs among their male friends, not both male and female friends. I'm trying to remind them to spread Ubuntu for men and women as equal.

Unfortunately, Launchpad, and other official systems of Ubuntu do not have a form asking for gender and country data. So it is a bit hard to know how many women are envolved with Ubuntu in Brazil.

So please, if you are a woman and live in Brazil, and of course, is using Ubuntu, please reply this post. And anyone who has any kind of suggestion, please be welcome to do it.

Sorry for my bad english,

KurtKraut -

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Re: Mulheres que usam Ubuntu
« Resposta #1 Online: 06 de Dezembro de 2006, 17:10 »
Regras do Fórum.

2 - Este fórum foi criado com o objetivo de ser uma comunidade de utilizadores do Ubuntu que falam a língua portuguesa. Por isso, todas as mensagens deverão ser postadas em português, independente das variantes lusófonas, sob pena de serem apagadas sem aviso prévio.
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