Eu to tentando instalar o AWN no meu ubuntu 7.10, so que eu estou tendo problemas pra acessar o conteudo desse site: estava seguindo esses procedimento:
10.1 Avant-Window-Navigator
NOTE: Beryl/Compiz (Composite manager) is required for AWN. If you do not use any
composite manager then you can try the SimDock package, mentioned later.
For Ubuntu 7.10:
Open terminal window and execute the below given lines. Type these without the quotes.
1) Edit your apt sources list: "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" and add these two lines to the
bottom of the file. Take a backup of the sources.list file before making any changes.
## Avant Window Navigator
deb gutsy avant-window-navigator
deb-src gutsy avant-window-navigator
Here, gutsy is the Ubuntu version. Replace it with your version (for e.g. if you are using
Ubuntu 7.04 then replace 'gutsy' with 'feisty' and so on).
2) Type this in the terminal one after the other:
“wget apt-key add reacocard.asc
rm reacocard.asc
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade"
3) Now to install AWN:
Note: AWN is still not completely stable. It may or may not work for you.
Install from Synaptic or type this in terminal:
“sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator-bzr awn-core-applets-bzr”
Launch AWN from Applications > Accessories > Avant Window Navigator.
ALguem ai sabe como me ajudar?