Fórum Ubuntu Linux - PT

Suporte Técnico => Hardware e Periféricos => Tópico iniciado por: konigabriel em 30 de Outubro de 2005, 18:30

Título: Instalação da PCMCIA Dlink no Ubuntu.
Enviado por: konigabriel em 30 de Outubro de 2005, 18:30
Olá pessoal do forum...
Sou iniciante em linux, achei que seria facil iniciar o aprendizado mas percebi que as coisas não funciona como no windows que é só clikar em proximo, proximo, proximo, aceito, concluido. kkkk

Portando minha dúvida é a seguinte:
--> Não consigo instalar o driver wireless PCMCIA do meu notebook no linux, tentei usar o ndiswrapper mas não deu certo, vejam o resultado logo abaixo:

abri o terminal e digitei isto..

*gabriel@notebook:~$ ndiswrapper -i /home/gabriel/Desktop/WinXP/GPLUS.inf
Installing gplus
Unable to create directory /etc/ndiswrapper/gplus.
Make sure you are running as root

*gabriel@notebook:~$ modprobe ndiswrapper
FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Operation not permitted

E ai pessoal, o que faço agora? Não faço a minima idéia e não tenho nenhuma noção de linux, portanto se alguem por favor tenha paciencia de escrever detalhadamente como se obter este meu objetivo eu ficarei muito grato.

Ass. Gabriel Konig Lara
Título: Instalação da PCMCIA Dlink no Ubuntu.
Enviado por: biohazard em 30 de Outubro de 2005, 19:45
gabriel tenta assim !

Código: [Selecionar]
gabriel@notebook:~$sudo ndiswrapper -i /home/gabriel/Desktop/WinXP/GPLUS.inf

*gabriel@notebook:~$sudo  modprobe ndiswrapper
Título: Instalação da PCMCIA Dlink no Ubuntu.
Enviado por: rafasnn em 15 de Novembro de 2005, 20:53
to tentando pelo ndiswrapper mas não acende o link da placa, o ubuntu tem um driver pra wireless o acx_pci mas ele dá erro, falta um arquivo no firmware pra wireless, alguém tem esse arquivo?

[4294754.524000] acx_init_module: dev_info is: TI acx_pci
[4294754.524000] acx_init_module: TI acx_pci.o: Ver 0.2.0pre8 driver initialized, waiting for cards to probe...
[4294754.533000] PCI: Enabling device 0000:02:00.0 (0000 -> 0002)
[4294754.533000] ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:02:00.0[A] -> Link [LNKD] -> GSI 11 (level, low) -> IRQ 11
[4294754.533000] PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:02:00.0 to 64
[4294754.533000] acx_probe_pci: WARNING: ACX111 support is quite experimental!
[4294754.533000] Found ACX111-based wireless network card at 0000:02:00.0, irq:11, phymem1:0x1f820000, phymem2:0x1f800000, mem1:0xdfbb4000, mem1_size:8192, mem2:0xdfd00000, mem2_size:131072
[4294754.533000] initial debug setting is 0x001b
[4294754.533000] acx_select_io_register_set: using ACX111 io resource addresses (size: 56)
[4294754.533000] hw_unavailable = 1
[4294754.533000] acx_probe_pci: TI acx_pci: Using IRQ 11
[4294754.534000] reset hw_unavailable++
[4294754.534000] acx_reset_mac: enable soft reset...
[4294754.534000] acx_reset_mac: disable soft reset and go to init mode...
[4294754.544000] Requesting firmware image 'TIACX111.BIN'
[4294754.812000] not using auto increment for firmware loading
[4294754.995000] acx_write_fw: firmware written
[4294755.196000] acx_write_fw (firmware): 0, acx_validate_fw: 0
[4294755.206000] acx_reset_dev: boot up eCPU and wait for complete...
[4294755.763000] input: PC Speaker
[4294755.770000] acx_reset_dev: Received signal that card is ready to be configured :) (the eCPU has woken up)
[4294755.770000] acx_reset_dev: Clean up cmd mailbox access area
[4294755.789000] reset hw_unavailable--
[4294755.789000] acx100: allocated net device wlan0, driver compiled against wireless extensions v17 and Linux 2.6.12-9-386
[4294755.789000] ******************************************
[4294755.789000] ************* acx_init_mac_1 *************
[4294755.789000] ******************************************
[4294755.789000] ==> Get the mailbox pointers from the scratch pad registers
[4294755.789000] CmdMailboxOffset = 1dd00
[4294755.789000] InfoMailboxOffset = 1de86
[4294755.789000] <== Get the mailbox pointers from the scratch pad registers
[4294755.789000] CommandParameters = [ 0xdfd1dd04 ]
[4294755.789000] InfoParameters = [ 0xdfd1de8a ]
[4294755.789000] Requesting firmware image 'RADIO16.BIN'
[4294755.856000] No firmware image was provided. Check your hotplug scripts
[4294755.856000] Reading firmware image '/lib/hotplug/firmware/RADIO16.BIN'
[4294755.856000] ERROR 2 trying to open firmware image file 'RADIO16.BIN': file not found - make sure this EXACT filename is in eXaCtLy this directory!
[4294755.856000] WARNING: no suitable radio module (RADIO16.BIN) found to load. No problem in case of a combined firmware, FATAL when using a separated firmware (base firmware / radio image).
[4294755.856000] acx111_init_packet_templates: Init max packet templates
[4294755.857000] acx111_create_dma_regions: set up acx111 queue memory configuration (queue configs + descriptors)
[4294755.858000] dump queue head (from card):
[4294755.858000] len: 24
[4294755.858000] tx_memory_block_address: 17F60
[4294755.858000] rx_memory_block_address: 11660
[4294755.858000] rx1_queue address: FA54
[4294755.858000] tx1_queue address: 100D4
[4294755.859000] get_mask 0x00004182, set_mask 0x00000000
[4294755.859000] Don't know how to get sensitivity for radio type 0x16, please try to add that!
[4294755.859000] Got sensitivity value 0
[4294755.859000] Got antenna value 0x8F
[4294755.859000] Got regulatory domain 0x10
[4294755.859000] get_mask 0x00000000, set_mask 0x00000000 - after update
[4294755.859000] new ratevector: 82 84 0b 0c 12 16 18 24 2c 30 48 60 6c
[4294755.859000] setting RXconfig to 2000:0000
[4294755.860000] Beacon length:69
[4294755.860000] hw_unavailable--
[4294755.860000] acx100: form factor 0x01 ((mini-)PCI / CardBus), radio type 0x16 (Radia), EEPROM version 0x05. Uploaded firmware 'Rev' (0x03010101).
[4294755.863000] creating /proc entry driver/acx_wlan0
[4294755.863000] creating /proc entry driver/acx_wlan0_diag
[4294755.863000] creating /proc entry driver/acx_wlan0_eeprom
[4294755.863000] creating /proc entry driver/acx_wlan0_phy
[4294755.863000] acx_probe_pci: TI acx_pci.o: Ver 0.2.0pre8 loaded successfully