Placa Mãe Gigabyte GA-Z68MA-D2H-B3: Não consigo instalar o Ubuntu 12.04

Iniciado por kaskudohc, 31 de Agosto de 2012, 21:16

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sony spin

dei uma olhada no site da gigabyte e olha o que eu achei:Navigating through the BIOS to change system settings can be a daunting task for users not familiar with control "F"functions and mouse-less navigation. While some EFI BIOS try to address this with a mouse friendly environment, many implementations still lack a certain ease-of-use necessary for most people. With GIGABYTE Touch BIOS™, GIGABYTE engineers have completely re-imagined how users can interact with their BIOS, allowing for a more intuitive user experience. In fact, with a touch screen monitor, GIGABYTE Touch BIOS™

sony spin

amigo creio que sua bios seja inbrida e o kernel linux em si nao da suporte.