Configurar Samba

Iniciado por carapau, 12 de Junho de 2009, 10:03

tópico anterior - próximo tópico


Bom pessoal sou iniciante no mundo linux e por sinal estou adorando a liberdade..rsrsrs

Mas uma coisa está me deixando com o cabelo em pé, e com a ajuda deste forum tenho certeza que irei resolver.

O meu problema é o seguinte tenho um servidor samba rodando aqui onde trabalho, até ai tudo bem, agora a duvida é...preciso criar alguns compartilhamentos com senha e outro deixar totalmente livre, mas não estou consigo, ou ele pede senha ou ele não pede..não estou conseguindo as duas coisas juntas, ja alterei o security = , tanto para user como para share,mas é como falei antes ou ele pede senha em tudo ou nao pede senha em nada.

Outro detalhe, quando consigo pedir senha, fiz o teste e voce digita o usuario e senha a primeira vez e parece que fica gravado, gostaria que nas pasta que pedir senha toda vez que a pessoa for acessar novamente ele pedir a senha tambem, nao quero usar ele como PDC...

Alguem por favor me ajuda



Só uma duvida, ou ele pede senha ou acessa tudo sem senha, por um acaso os diretórios estão todos fora, por exemplo, estão todos na raiz ou está um dentro do outro?
ex: vc que compartilhar o diretório "publico", sem senha e dentro do diretório publico tem o diretório "diretoria" que quer compartilhar com senha?
Ou no seu caso o diretório diretoria, que deve ter senha, está fora do diretório "publico" que não tem senha?

Abaixo segue exemplo de três compartilhamentos, o primeiro não pede senha e o segundo pede, o ultimo não pede senha e não deixa ninguém alterar o conteúdo.
De certa forma, coloquei mais opções que o normal a fim de lhe ajudar a solucionar seu problema. A opção importante que fará logar sem senha é a linha: guest account = candice, isso fará com que todo computador que acessar o compartilhamento, acesse-o automaticamente com esse usuário.
ps: teste com a linha security comentada, ou sejá, não a execute, ex: (# security = user)

[Acesso Livre]
   guest account = candice
   writeable = yes
   path = /home/user/Acesso Livre
   force directory mode = 777
   force create mode = 777
   comment = Area de acesso Livre
   create mode = 777
   public = yes
   directory mode = 777

   force create mode = 777
   valid users = candice,pedro,paulo,maria,jose,thiago
   create mode = 777
   write list = pedro,maria
   path = /home/user/archives
   force directory mode = 777
   directory mode = 777

   guest account = candice
   writeable = no
   public = yes
   path = /home/user/Pública

Com relação a senha salva, ai é preciso configurar no micro cliente e não no samba.
Ao digitar a senha a primeira vez, ela fica salva até que o usuário reinicie ou faça logoff, esse é o padrão do windows e não sei onde alterar pois não sou expert nesse sistema, mas não sei se esse é o local certo para obter a resposta.

obviamente os usuários candice, paulo, etc... tem de estar cadastrado no linux E também no samba.

Quem ama extremamente, deixa de viver em si e vive no que ama. Na vida três coisas são certas, o amor, a morte e o Linux !
Se Platão disse, então realmente sofremos de uma perigosa doença mental.


Muito obrigado raidicar

Então referente a onde se encontra as pasta, são em locais diferentes, exemplo diretorio D com senha e Diretorio E sem senha, irei fazer os testes e depois lhe dou um retorno, mas de principio muito obrigado mesmo pela ajuda.....

;) ;)


Bom segue as configurações do meu smb.conf, se eu comento a linha security ele pede senha geral, se eu mudo ela para share ele acessa a pasta livre de boa e a pasta media pede somente senha, ai nao consigo colocar o usuario, vem default do windows....o que fazer

:'( :'(

   workgroup = teste
   server string = LINUX
   netbios name = SERVER_LINUX
   #security = user
   socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
   dns proxy = No
   invalid users = root
   read only = No
   obey pam restrictions = true
   prefered master = true
   wins support = true

[Acesso Livre]
   guest account = candice
   writeable = yes
   path = //home/metas
   force directory mode = 777
   force create mode = 777
   comment = Area de acesso Livre
   create mode = 777
   public = yes
   directory mode = 777

   path = //media/disk/FTP
   write list = fabio
   force directory mode = 777
   force create mode = 777
   valid users = fabio
   create mode = 777
   directory mode = 777


raidicar: bem explicado estava com a mesma duvida e aqui deu tudo certo uns compartilhamentos com senha outros sem senha.  ;)
Netbook Acer apireOn D150, Atom D 1.6,1gb ram, 160gb HDD.


amigo teste_100, voce poderia me passar as configurações do global, porque aqui nao esta rolando como mesmo disse anteriormente..ou ele pede senha ou nao pede

??? ??? ???


oi eu estou usando

#security = share

e depois cadastrei o usuario q eu queria liberar o acesso
p.s.: o usuario foi cadastrado no samba ele nao precissa esta cadastrado no ubuntu basta soh no samba
Netbook Acer apireOn D150, Atom D 1.6,1gb ram, 160gb HDD.


carapau, deve ter coisa errada no seu smb.conf, poste ele completo pois deve ter mais coisa, pois como pode ver, deu tudo certo com o teste_100,
De qualquer forma, vou postar um smb.conf, faça o backup do seu smb.conf e coloque esse no local.
Apenas adicione os compartilhamentos no final e corrija a linha path do seu compartilhamento onde, no caminho do compartilhamento, vc digita duas barras "//" ao invés de uma "/"
segue smb.conf completo e adaptado para sua configuração.

#======================= Global Settings =======================


## Browsing/Identification ###

# Change this to the workgroup/NT-domain name your Samba server will part of
  workgroup = WORKGROUP

# server string is the equivalent of the NT Description field
  server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu)

# Windows Internet Name Serving Support Section:
# WINS Support - Tells the NMBD component of Samba to enable its WINS Server
#   wins support = no

# WINS Server - Tells the NMBD components of Samba to be a WINS Client
# Note: Samba can be either a WINS Server, or a WINS Client, but NOT both
;   wins server = w.x.y.z

# This will prevent nmbd to search for NetBIOS names through DNS.
  dns proxy = no

# What naming service and in what order should we use to resolve host names
# to IP addresses
;   name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast

#### Networking ####

# The specific set of interfaces / networks to bind to
# This can be either the interface name or an IP address/netmask;
# interface names are normally preferred
;   interfaces = eth0

# Only bind to the named interfaces and/or networks; you must use the
# 'interfaces' option above to use this.
# It is recommended that you enable this feature if your Samba machine is
# not protected by a firewall or is a firewall itself.  However, this
# option cannot handle dynamic or non-broadcast interfaces correctly.
;   bind interfaces only = yes

#### Debugging/Accounting ####

# This tells Samba to use a separate log file for each machine
# that connects
  log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m

# Cap the size of the individual log files (in KiB).
  max log size = 1000

# If you want Samba to only log through syslog then set the following
# parameter to 'yes'.
#   syslog only = no

# We want Samba to log a minimum amount of information to syslog. Everything
# should go to /var/log/samba/log.{smbd,nmbd} instead. If you want to log
# through syslog you should set the following parameter to something higher.
  syslog = 0

# Do something sensible when Samba crashes: mail the admin a backtrace
  panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d

####### Authentication #######

# "security = user" is always a good idea. This will require a Unix account
# in this server for every user accessing the server. See
# /usr/share/doc/samba-doc/htmldocs/Samba3-HOWTO/ServerType.html
# in the samba-doc package for details.
#   security = user

# You may wish to use password encryption.  See the section on
# 'encrypt passwords' in the smb.conf(5) manpage before enabling.
  encrypt passwords = true

# If you are using encrypted passwords, Samba will need to know what
# password database type you are using.  
  passdb backend = tdbsam

  obey pam restrictions = yes

# This boolean parameter controls whether Samba attempts to sync the Unix
# password with the SMB password when the encrypted SMB password in the
# passdb is changed.
  unix password sync = yes

# For Unix password sync to work on a Debian GNU/Linux system, the following
# parameters must be set (thanks to Ian Kahan <<> for
# sending the correct chat script for the passwd program in Debian Sarge).
  passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
  passwd chat = *Enter\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *Retype\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *password\supdated\ssuccessfully* .

# This boolean controls whether PAM will be used for password changes
# when requested by an SMB client instead of the program listed in
# 'passwd program'. The default is 'no'.
  pam password change = yes

# This option controls how unsuccessful authentication attempts are mapped
# to anonymous connections
map to guest = bad user

########## Domains ###########

# Is this machine able to authenticate users. Both PDC and BDC
# must have this setting enabled. If you are the BDC you must
# change the 'domain master' setting to no
;   domain logons = yes
# The following setting only takes effect if 'domain logons' is set
# It specifies the location of the user's profile directory
# from the client point of view)
# The following required a [profiles] share to be setup on the
# samba server (see below)
;   logon path = \\%N\profiles\%U
# Another common choice is storing the profile in the user's home directory
# (this is Samba's default)
#   logon path = \\%N\%U\profile

# The following setting only takes effect if 'domain logons' is set
# It specifies the location of a user's home directory (from the client
# point of view)
;   logon drive = H:
#   logon home = \\%N\%U

# The following setting only takes effect if 'domain logons' is set
# It specifies the script to run during logon. The script must be stored
# in the [netlogon] share
# NOTE: Must be store in 'DOS' file format convention
;   logon script = logon.cmd

# This allows Unix users to be created on the domain controller via the SAMR
# RPC pipe.  The example command creates a user account with a disabled Unix
# password; please adapt to your needs
; add user script = /usr/sbin/adduser --quiet --disabled-password --gecos "" %u

########## Printing ##########

# If you want to automatically load your printer list rather
# than setting them up individually then you'll need this
#   load printers = yes

# lpr(ng) printing. You may wish to override the location of the
# printcap file
;   printing = bsd
;   printcap name = /etc/printcap

# CUPS printing.  See also the cupsaddsmb(8) manpage in the
# cupsys-client package.
;   printing = cups
;   printcap name = cups

############ Misc ############

# Using the following line enables you to customise your configuration
# on a per machine basis. The %m gets replaced with the netbios name
# of the machine that is connecting
;   include = /home/samba/etc/smb.conf.%m

# Most people will find that this option gives better performance.
# See smb.conf(5) and /usr/share/doc/samba-doc/htmldocs/Samba3-HOWTO/speed.html
# for details
# You may want to add the following on a Linux system:
#         SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
#   socket options = TCP_NODELAY

# The following parameter is useful only if you have the linpopup package
# installed. The samba maintainer and the linpopup maintainer are
# working to ease installation and configuration of linpopup and samba.
;   message command = /bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/linpopup "%f" "%m" %s; rm %s' &

# Domain Master specifies Samba to be the Domain Master Browser. If this
# machine will be configured as a BDC (a secondary logon server), you
# must set this to 'no'; otherwise, the default behavior is recommended.
#   domain master = auto

# Some defaults for winbind (make sure you're not using the ranges
# for something else.)
;   idmap uid = 10000-20000
;   idmap gid = 10000-20000
;   template shell = /bin/bash

# The following was the default behaviour in sarge,
# but samba upstream reverted the default because it might induce
# performance issues in large organizations.
# See Debian bug #368251 for some of the consequences of *not*
# having this setting and smb.conf(5) for details.
;   winbind enum groups = yes
;   winbind enum users = yes

# Setup usershare options to enable non-root users to share folders
# with the net usershare command.

# Maximum number of usershare. 0 (default) means that usershare is disabled.
;   usershare max shares = 100

# Allow users who've been granted usershare privileges to create
# public shares, not just authenticated ones
  usershare allow guests = yes

#======================= Share Definitions =======================

# Un-comment the following (and tweak the other settings below to suit)
# to enable the default home directory shares.  This will share each
# user's home directory as \\server\username
;   comment = Home Directories
;   browseable = no

# By default, the home directories are exported read-only. Change the
# next parameter to 'no' if you want to be able to write to them.
;   read only = yes

# File creation mask is set to 0700 for security reasons. If you want to
# create files with group=rw permissions, set next parameter to 0775.
;   create mask = 0700

# Directory creation mask is set to 0700 for security reasons. If you want to
# create dirs. with group=rw permissions, set next parameter to 0775.
;   directory mask = 0700

# By default, \\server\username shares can be connected to by anyone
# with access to the samba server.  Un-comment the following parameter
# to make sure that only "username" can connect to \\server\username
# This might need tweaking when using external authentication schemes
;   valid users = %S

# Un-comment the following and create the netlogon directory for Domain Logons
# (you need to configure Samba to act as a domain controller too.)
;   comment = Network Logon Service
;   path = /home/samba/netlogon
;   guest ok = yes
;   read only = yes
;   share modes = no

# Un-comment the following and create the profiles directory to store
# users profiles (see the "logon path" option above)
# (you need to configure Samba to act as a domain controller too.)
# The path below should be writable by all users so that their
# profile directory may be created the first time they log on
;   comment = Users profiles
;   path = /home/samba/profiles
;   guest ok = no
;   browseable = no
;   create mask = 0600
;   directory mask = 0700

  comment = All Printers
  browseable = no
  path = /var/spool/samba
  printable = yes
  guest ok = no
  read only = yes
  create mask = 0700

# Windows clients look for this share name as a source of downloadable
# printer drivers
  comment = Printer Drivers
  path = /var/lib/samba/printers
  browseable = yes
  read only = yes
  guest ok = no
# Uncomment to allow remote administration of Windows print drivers.
# Replace 'ntadmin' with the name of the group your admin users are
# members of.
;   write list = root, @ntadmin

# A sample share for sharing your CD-ROM with others.
;   comment = Samba server's CD-ROM
;   read only = yes
;   locking = no
;   path = /cdrom
;   guest ok = yes

# The next two parameters show how to auto-mount a CD-ROM when the
# cdrom share is accesed. For this to work /etc/fstab must contain
# an entry like this:
#       /dev/scd0   /cdrom  iso9660 defaults,noauto,ro,user   0 0
# The CD-ROM gets unmounted automatically after the connection to the
# If you don't want to use auto-mounting/unmounting make sure the CD
# is mounted on /cdrom
;   preexec = /bin/mount /cdrom
;   postexec = /bin/umount /cdrom

# Compartilhamentos

[Acesso Livre]
  guest account = candice
  writeable = yes
  path = /home/metas
  force directory mode = 777
  force create mode = 777
  comment = Area de acesso Livre
  create mode = 777
  public = yes
  directory mode = 777

  path = /media/disk/FTP
  write list = fabio
  force directory mode = 777
  force create mode = 777
  valid users = fabio
  create mode = 777
  directory mode = 777

Obs: no compartilhamento acesso livre, o usuário candice, que seria a conta padrão de acesso, tem de existir no linux e no samba, vc o criou no linux e o adicionou no samba com os comandos adduser e smbpasswd, nessa sequencia?.
Após fazer a alteração, no terminal, de o comando sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart para aplicar as alterações.

Quem ama extremamente, deixa de viver em si e vive no que ama. Na vida três coisas são certas, o amor, a morte e o Linux !
Se Platão disse, então realmente sofremos de uma perigosa doença mental.


o meu ficou assim:

#======================= Global Settings =======================


## Browsing/Identification ###

# Change this to the workgroup/NT-domain name your Samba server will part of
  workgroup = GRUPO

# server string is the equivalent of the NT Description field
  server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu)

# Windows Internet Name Serving Support Section:
# WINS Support - Tells the NMBD component of Samba to enable its WINS Server
#   wins support = no

# WINS Server - Tells the NMBD components of Samba to be a WINS Client
# Note: Samba can be either a WINS Server, or a WINS Client, but NOT both
;   wins server = w.x.y.z

# This will prevent nmbd to search for NetBIOS names through DNS.
  dns proxy = no

# What naming service and in what order should we use to resolve host names
# to IP addresses
;   name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast

#### Networking ####

# The specific set of interfaces / networks to bind to
# This can be either the interface name or an IP address/netmask;
# interface names are normally preferred
;   interfaces = eth0

# Only bind to the named interfaces and/or networks; you must use the
# 'interfaces' option above to use this.
# It is recommended that you enable this feature if your Samba machine is
# not protected by a firewall or is a firewall itself.  However, this
# option cannot handle dynamic or non-broadcast interfaces correctly.
;   bind interfaces only = yes

####### Authentication #######

# "security = user" is always a good idea. This will require a Unix account
# in this server for every user accessing the server. See
# /usr/share/doc/samba-doc/htmldocs/Samba3-HOWTO/ServerType.html
# in the samba-doc package for details.
#   security = share

# You may wish to use password encryption.  See the section on
# 'encrypt passwords' in the smb.conf(5) manpage before enabling.
  encrypt passwords = true

# If you are using encrypted passwords, Samba will need to know what
# password database type you are using.  
  passdb backend = tdbsam

  obey pam restrictions = yes

# This boolean parameter controls whether Samba attempts to sync the Unix
# password with the SMB password when the encrypted SMB password in the
# passdb is changed.
  unix password sync = yes

# For Unix password sync to work on a Debian GNU/Linux system, the following
# parameters must be set (thanks to Ian Kahan <<> for
# sending the correct chat script for the passwd program in Debian Sarge).
  passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
  passwd chat = *Enter\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *Retype\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *password\supdated\ssuccessfully* .

# This boolean controls whether PAM will be used for password changes
# when requested by an SMB client instead of the program listed in
# 'passwd program'. The default is 'no'.
  pam password change = yes

# This option controls how unsuccessful authentication attempts are mapped
# to anonymous connections
  map to guest = bad user

########## Domains ###########

# Is this machine able to authenticate users. Both PDC and BDC
# must have this setting enabled. If you are the BDC you must
# change the 'domain master' setting to no
;   domain logons = yes
# The following setting only takes effect if 'domain logons' is set
# It specifies the location of the user's profile directory
# from the client point of view)
# The following required a [profiles] share to be setup on the
# samba server (see below)
;   logon path = \\%N\profiles\%U
# Another common choice is storing the profile in the user's home directory
# (this is Samba's default)
#   logon path = \\%N\%U\profile

# The following setting only takes effect if 'domain logons' is set
# It specifies the location of a user's home directory (from the client
# point of view)
;   logon drive = H:
#   logon home = \\%N\%U

# The following setting only takes effect if 'domain logons' is set
# It specifies the script to run during logon. The script must be stored
# in the [netlogon] share
# NOTE: Must be store in 'DOS' file format convention
;   logon script = logon.cmd

# This allows Unix users to be created on the domain controller via the SAMR
# RPC pipe.  The example command creates a user account with a disabled Unix
# password; please adapt to your needs
; add user script = /usr/sbin/adduser --quiet --disabled-password --gecos "" %u

# This allows machine accounts to be created on the domain controller via the
# SAMR RPC pipe.  
# The following assumes a "machines" group exists on the system
; add machine script  = /usr/sbin/useradd -g machines -c "%u machine account" -d /var/lib/samba -s /bin/false %u

# This allows Unix groups to be created on the domain controller via the SAMR
# RPC pipe.  
; add group script = /usr/sbin/addgroup --force-badname %g

########## Printing ##########

# If you want to automatically load your printer list rather
# than setting them up individually then you'll need this
#   load printers = yes

# lpr(ng) printing. You may wish to override the location of the
# printcap file
;   printing = bsd
;   printcap name = /etc/printcap

# CUPS printing.  See also the cupsaddsmb(8) manpage in the
# cupsys-client package.
;   printing = cups
;   printcap name = cups

############ Misc ############

# Using the following line enables you to customise your configuration
# on a per machine basis. The %m gets replaced with the netbios name
# of the machine that is connecting
;   include = /home/samba/etc/smb.conf.%m

# Most people will find that this option gives better performance.
# See smb.conf(5) and /usr/share/doc/samba-doc/htmldocs/Samba3-HOWTO/speed.html
# for details
# You may want to add the following on a Linux system:
#         SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
#   socket options = TCP_NODELAY

# The following parameter is useful only if you have the linpopup package
# installed. The samba maintainer and the linpopup maintainer are
# working to ease installation and configuration of linpopup and samba.
;   message command = /bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/linpopup "%f" "%m" %s; rm %s' &

# Domain Master specifies Samba to be the Domain Master Browser. If this
# machine will be configured as a BDC (a secondary logon server), you
# must set this to 'no'; otherwise, the default behavior is recommended.
#   domain master = auto

# Some defaults for winbind (make sure you're not using the ranges
# for something else.)
;   idmap uid = 10000-20000
;   idmap gid = 10000-20000
;   template shell = /bin/bash

# The following was the default behaviour in sarge,
# but samba upstream reverted the default because it might induce
# performance issues in large organizations.
# See Debian bug #368251 for some of the consequences of *not*
# having this setting and smb.conf(5) for details.
;   winbind enum groups = yes
;   winbind enum users = yes

# Setup usershare options to enable non-root users to share folders
# with the net usershare command.

# Maximum number of usershare. 0 (default) means that usershare is disabled.
;   usershare max shares = 100

# Allow users who've been granted usershare privileges to create
# public shares, not just authenticated ones
  usershare allow guests = yes

#======================= Share Definitions =======================

# Un-comment the following (and tweak the other settings below to suit)
# to enable the default home directory shares.  This will share each
# user's home directory as \\server\username
;   comment = Home Directories
;   browseable = no

# By default, the home directories are exported read-only. Change the
# next parameter to 'no' if you want to be able to write to them.
;   read only = yes

# File creation mask is set to 0700 for security reasons. If you want to
# create files with group=rw permissions, set next parameter to 0775.
;   create mask = 0700

# Directory creation mask is set to 0700 for security reasons. If you want to
# create dirs. with group=rw permissions, set next parameter to 0775.
;   directory mask = 0700

# By default, \\server\username shares can be connected to by anyone
# with access to the samba server.  Un-comment the following parameter
# to make sure that only "username" can connect to \\server\username
# This might need tweaking when using external authentication schemes
;   valid users = %S

# Un-comment the following and create the netlogon directory for Domain Logons
# (you need to configure Samba to act as a domain controller too.)
;   comment = Network Logon Service
;   path = /home/samba/netlogon
;   guest ok = yes
;   read only = yes
;   share modes = no

# Un-comment the following and create the profiles directory to store
# users profiles (see the "logon path" option above)
# (you need to configure Samba to act as a domain controller too.)
# The path below should be writable by all users so that their
# profile directory may be created the first time they log on
;   comment = Users profiles
;   path = /home/samba/profiles
;   guest ok = no
;   browseable = no
;   create mask = 0600
;   directory mask = 0700

  comment = All Printers
  browseable = no
  path = /var/spool/samba
  printable = yes
  guest ok = no
  read only = yes
  create mask = 0700

# Windows clients look for this share name as a source of downloadable
# printer drivers
  comment = Printer Drivers
  path = /var/lib/samba/printers
  browseable = yes
  read only = yes
  guest ok = no
# Uncomment to allow remote administration of Windows print drivers.
# You may need to replace 'lpadmin' with the name of the group your
# admin users are members of.
# Please note that you also need to set appropriate Unix permissions
# to the drivers directory for these users to have write rights in it
;   write list = root, @lpadmin

# A sample share for sharing your CD-ROM with others.
;   comment = Samba server's CD-ROM
;   read only = yes
;   locking = no
;   path = /cdrom
;   guest ok = yes

# The next two parameters show how to auto-mount a CD-ROM when the
#   cdrom share is accesed. For this to work /etc/fstab must contain
#   an entry like this:
#       /dev/scd0   /cdrom  iso9660 defaults,noauto,ro,user   0 0
# The CD-ROM gets unmounted automatically after the connection to the
# If you don't want to use auto-mounting/unmounting make sure the CD
#   is mounted on /cdrom
;   preexec = /bin/mount /cdrom
;   postexec = /bin/umount /cdrom

    comment = Diretorio Publico
    path = /usr/publico
    writable = yes
    public = yes
    comment = Diretorio para Downloads
    valid users = chico
    path = /media/Donwloads
    writable = no
    public = yes
    comment = Diretorio para Utilitarios
    valid users = chico
    path = /media/Util
    writable = no
    public = yes
  force create mode = 777
  valid users = chico
  create mode = 777
  write list = chico
  path = /media/BK2
  force directory mode = 777
  directory mode = 777

onde o directório publico eh sem senha e os demais pede usurário e senha. Pode ver que abaixo da linha comment nao tem valid user.

Ops.... desculpa o user foi criado tanto no samba e no linux
Netbook Acer apireOn D150, Atom D 1.6,1gb ram, 160gb HDD.


Raidicar e Teste_100 muito obrigado pela ajuda, tudo certo por enquanto realmente era alguma configuração em me smb.conf mesmo...porque o meu estava totalmente diferente, já que antes de recorrer a ajuda fiz varios teste antes...rsrsr

Mas muito obrigado mesmo...

Agora só preciso resolver esse lance de ele ficar a senha gravada no windows, porque como vai ser uma pasta de acesso para gerentes de loja para ver planilhas de metas e o mesmo ira acessar em diferentes estações, se ele ficar gravado a senha vai ser um problema, mas vou pesquisar aqui



Cara nao tem por onde o xp amarzena a senha ate que o usuario faça logoff

Netbook Acer apireOn D150, Atom D 1.6,1gb ram, 160gb HDD.