Re:Reinstalar alsa-driver após cada atualização do kernel do Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid

Iniciado por boladegude, 03 de Julho de 2015, 19:50

tópico anterior - próximo tópico


For the foreign readers:

My approach to solving the problem is more robust, better developed and better coded.
Then I suggest you do not follow the original reference.
Translate this page with Google Translator, from Portuguese to English, because I found that the translation is good for this language.
Look then to read in English ... or at least translate, in a second instance, from English into your language.
And then follow the beginning of the first post of the topic.

Become an Ubuntu user. Don't just use it as a virtual machine.
If you have some space in your HD then dual boot it with Windows or Mac.
It's a fine system. You shall be willing to study a little, but is worth your effort.


O fórum é língua portuguesa, esse texto está totalmente em inglês, por isso foi trancado.

Grato pela compreensão.